The Original Beerdega and An Oh-J IPA
When I first coined the term "beerdega," it was at a shop in the Financial District in lower Manhattan. I had wandered in, after spotting them on , under the heading Nassau Grocery (WE DELIVER). D&J Grocery & Convenience Store, as they are identified on their awning, has an excellent selection and are reasonably priced. I've grabbed a handful of beers from them in the past six months but nothing noteworthy since I started this Beerdegadventure. However, yesterday I popped in and was thrilled to see a beer I was familiar with, but had never seen in person, let alone in this particular spot. That's one of the charcateristics of a great beerdega - the element of surprise! At least two of my friends who love beer have shared photos of this and I have been curious to try it. There was just one can left, priced at $5.49, and it poured picturesquely: This is an Oh-J Double IPA from Lone Pine Brewing Company in Portland, Maine. Clocking in at 8.1% ABV, ...